Place. 2 Mai Str. Hyacinths No. 12 Tel. 0752037311
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Services (2)
- Impreuna cu prietenii
Ai venit in vacanta cu prietenii dar nu sunteti cazati in aceeasi locatie? Doriti sa socializati in timp ce luati masa impreuna savurand preparate locale acompaniate de un pahar de vin? Atunci i-ati prietenii si vino la Arome Dobrogene - punct gastronomic local in 2 Mai.
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Other Pages (11)
- AromeDobrogene | punct gastronomic 2 Mai
The menu of the day is posted on the Facebook page daily! see here Your welcome! Welcome to the official website of the Local Gastronomic Point "Arome Dobrogene" located in the heart of the 2 Mai town. Our goal is to bring you closer to the traditions and authentic tastes of Dobrogea through a unique culinary experience. Come and discover everything we have to offer! No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Arome Dobrogene 2Mai va ureaza LA MULTI ANI!
- Rezervare | Aromedobrogene
About us Welcome to the official website of the Local Gastronomic Point 'Arome Dobrogene' located in the heart of the town of 2 Mai. We set out to bring you closer to the traditions and authentic tastes of Dobrogea through a unique culinary experience. Here at 'Arome Dobrogene' we combine the passion for traditional Dobrogene cuisine with fresh and natural ingredients, to offer you an unforgettable gastronomic experience. Ce spun oaspeții noștrii.... Saturday/Sunday: 13 - 22 Monday-Friday: 13-21 May 2 Hyacinths No. 12 Precinct Casa Georgeta Follow Us
- Rezervare | Aromedobrogene
We would love to hear from you Phone: 0770 123 456 contact@aromedobrogene.ro Street George Coșbuc, no. 15, 2 May, Constanta Prenume Nume Email Subiect Leave us a message... Phone Trimite Mulțumim pentru trimitere!